id category name description xref provided_by synonym iri same_as HP:0012205 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Globozoospermia Any structural anomaly of the acrosome resulting in a round sperm head. MSH:D000072660|SNOMEDCT_US:236818008|UMLS:C0403825 phenio-test.json HP:0012863 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal male germ cell morphology A structural anomaly of a male reproductive cell. UMLS:C4022703 phenio-test.json HP:0012864 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal sperm morphology A structural anomaly of sperm. MSH:D000072660|SNOMEDCT_US:236817003|UMLS:C0403824 phenio-test.json Abnormal shape of sperm|Teratospermia|Teratozoospermia HP:0012865 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal sperm head morphology A structural abnormality of the sperm head. UMLS:C4022702 phenio-test.json Sperm head anomaly HP:0012866 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal sperm neck morphology A structural abnormality of the sperm neck. UMLS:C4022701 phenio-test.json Sperm neck anomaly HP:0012867 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal sperm mid-piece morphology A structural abnormality of the sperm mid-piece. UMLS:C4022700 phenio-test.json Sperm mid-piece anomaly HP:0012868 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal sperm tail morphology A structural abnormality of the sperm tail. UMLS:C4022699 phenio-test.json Sperm tail anomaly HP:0012869 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Acephalic spermatozoa Spermatozoa with very small cranial ends devoid of any nuclear material, that is, lacking a typical sperm head. UMLS:C4022698 phenio-test.json HP:0025437 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Macrozoospermia Increased size of the head of sperm. phenio-test.json Macrocephalic sperm head HP:0031136 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Decreased acrosin in sperm head A reduced amount of the enzyme acrosin in the sperm head acrosome. The acrosome is an organelle in the anterior half of the head of spermatozoa, and acrosin is a protease that contributes to the digestation of the zona pellucida in the fertilization process. phenio-test.json HP:0032558 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Absent sperm flagella Sperm cells lacking flagella. phenio-test.json HP:0032559 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Short sperm flagella Sperm cells with abnormally short flagella. phenio-test.json HP:0032560 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Coiled sperm flagella Sperm cells whose flagella are twisted (coiled). phenio-test.json HP:0032561 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Microcephalic sperm head Decreased size of the head of sperm. phenio-test.json Small-head sperm HP:0032562 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Tapered sperm head Sperm with cigar-shaped heads that gradually dimish in diameter (taper). phenio-test.json HP:0033393 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Irregularly shaped sperm tail Irregular or changing caliber (diameter) along the tail of the sperm. phenio-test.json Sperm flagella with irregular caliber|Sperm flagella with irregular calibre HP:0033523 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal sperm principal piece morphology A structural anomaly of the part of the sperm flagellum that is distal to the sperm midpiece and mitochondrial sheath and which leads into the end piece. phenio-test.json HP:0033524 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Abnormal sperm axoneme morphology Abnormal structure of the sperm axonemal structure which consists of a ring of nine microtubular doublets and a central pair of microtubules, giving the classical 9+2 microtubular arrangement. The axoneme contains a central pair of microtubules (C1 and C2) that are connected by a bridge-like structure forming the central pair complex (CPC). Each of the nine outer doublets is composed of type A and B microtubules and connected by radial spokes to the CPC. phenio-test.json HP:0033525 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Absent sperm axoneme central pair complex Absense of the central pair of microtubules in the sperm axoneme, thereby forming a 9+0 pattern instead of the normal 9+2 pattern. phenio-test.json Absent central pair complex (9+0 pattern) HP:0034309 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Multiflagellar spermatozoa Spermatozoa with multiple flagella attached to the sperm head. phenio-test.json Multi-tailed spermatozoa HP:0034794 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Pyriform sperm head Pyriform spermatozoa consist of a normally shaped acrosomal structure which can be normal in size or enlarged, while the post-acrosomal region shows severe elongation and an acute narrowing to the posterior end, ending in about the same thickness as the connecting mid-piece. phenio-test.json Pyriform head HP:0034795 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Excess residual spermatozoal cytoplasm Excess residual cytoplasm is associated with abnormal spermatozoa produced from a defective spermiation process. This abnormal excess cytoplasm should not be confused with more physiological cytoplasmic residues that can be observed in direct microscopy of the ejaculate but not in dried, fixed and stained morphology smears. phenio-test.json HP:0034810 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Small acrosomal area Reduction in size of the acrosome below the lower limit of normal. The acrosome is a unique membranous organelle located over the anterior part of the sperm nucleus. According to the World Health Organization criteria, the acrosome must be clearly visible, comprising approximately 40-70 percent of the sperm head. phenio-test.json HP:0034811 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Bent sperm flagella The proportion of sperm cells whose flagella is sharply curved or has a sharp angle is above normal limits. phenio-test.json HP:0034842 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Enlarged sperm head vacuole Increased size of sperm vacuoles, which are surface concavities typically located at the the tip or middle area of sperm heads. According to the WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, sperm head vacuoles are considered abnormal when exceeding 20% of the cross-sectional area of the head. Vacuoles are found in almost all samples with normal sperm morphology; this term applies if the proportion of sperm with abnormally large vacuoles is above the upper limit of normal. phenio-test.json HP:0034913 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Acrosomal hypoplasia Reduction in the size of the acrosome of the head of spermatozoa. phenio-test.json HP:0034947 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Altered location of the longitudinal column in the fibrous sheath The fibrous sheath is a structure in the midpiece of the sperm flagellum surrounding the outer dense fibers. It comprises two longitudinal columns and tranverse ribs. In case of altered location of the longitudinal column in the fibrous sheath the symmetrical structure is lost, most commonly with the columns not being opposite to each other, which can be visualised by electron microscopy. phenio-test.json HP:0034958 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Asymmetrical insertion of the midpiece into the head Insertion of the neck and midpiece into the head of a spermatozoon on an axis that diverges from the midline axis of the spermatozoon head. This term applies if the proportion of spermatozoa with this defect is above the upper limit of normal. phenio-test.json Asymmetrical insertion of sperm neck HP:0034959 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Bent sperm neck Sharply angled insertion of the neck and midpiece into the head of a spermatozoon. This term applies if the proportion of spermatozoa with this feature is above the upper limit of normal. phenio-test.json HP:0035007 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Thin spermatozoon midpiece The cross-sectional size (diameter) of the midpiece of the spermatozoon is below the lower limit of normal. This term applies if the proportion of spermatozoa with this defect is above the upper limit of normal. phenio-test.json Thin spermatozoon neck HP:0035008 biolink:PhenotypicFeature Thick spermatozoon midpiece insertion Increased width of the midpiece of the spermatozoon. The midpiece is the structure that is located between the head and the flagella (tail) of the spermatozoon. This term applies if the width of the midpiece increases progressively from the flagella to the head and if the proportion of individual spermatozoa with this anomaly is above the upper limit of normal. phenio-test.json IAO:0000111 biolink:OntologyClass editor preferred term The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English) phenio-test.json IAO:0000112 biolink:OntologyClass example of usage A phrase describing how a term should be used and/or a citation to a work which uses it. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding, such as widely know prototypes or instances of a class, or cases where a relation is said to hold. phenio-test.json IAO:0000114 biolink:OntologyClass has curation status phenio-test.json IAO:0000115 biolink:OntologyClass definition The official definition, explaining the meaning of a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian, formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with colloquial definitions. phenio-test.json IAO:0000116 biolink:OntologyClass editor note An administrative note intended for its editor. It may not be included in the publication version of the ontology, so it should contain nothing necessary for end users to understand the ontology. IAO:0000116 phenio-test.json IAO:0000117 biolink:OntologyClass term editor Name of editor entering the term in the file. The term editor is a point of contact for information regarding the term. The term editor may be, but is not always, the author of the definition, which may have been worked upon by several people phenio-test.json IAO:0000119 biolink:OntologyClass definition source Formal citation, e.g. identifier in external database to indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. Free text indicate / attribute source(s) for the definition. EXAMPLE: Author Name, URI, MeSH Term C04, PUBMED ID, Wiki uri on 31.01.2007 phenio-test.json IAO:0000233 biolink:OntologyClass term tracker item An IRI or similar locator for a request or discussion of an ontology term. phenio-test.json IAO:0000589 biolink:OntologyClass OBO foundry unique label An alternative name for a class or property which is unique across the OBO Foundry. phenio-test.json MP:0002686 biolink:OntologyClass globozoospermia any structural anomaly of the acrosome resulting in a round sperm head phenio-test.json acrosome malformation of spermatozoa|round sperm heads|round-headed spermatozoa MP:0002687 biolink:OntologyClass oligozoospermia reduced concentration of spermatozoa in the cauda epididymis or seminal fluid phenio-test.json decreased sperm count|decreased sperm number|hypospermia|oligospermia|reduced sperm count|reduced sperm number MP:0004901 biolink:OntologyClass decreased male germ cell number reduced numbers of male germ cells whether they are undifferentiated or fully differentiated phenio-test.json decreased number of male germ cells|male germ cell hypoplasia|reduced male germ cell number MP:0005159 biolink:OntologyClass azoospermia a condition where there is no measurable level of spermatozoa in the semen phenio-test.json absence of sperm|absent sperm|aspermia MP:0005578 biolink:OntologyClass teratozoospermia presence of structurally anomalous spermatozoa in the semen; malformations include the physical bending of the sperm to produce kinks or bends phenio-test.json teratospermia MP:0006362 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal male germ cell morphology any structural anomaly of male germ cells whether they are undifferentiated or fully differentiated phenio-test.json MP:0006378 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal spermatogonia morphology any structural anomaly of the large unspecialized male germ cells that give rise to spermatocytes phenio-test.json abnormal spermatogonium MP:0006379 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal spermatocyte morphology any structural anomaly of male germ cells that through meiosis give rise to spermatids phenio-test.json MP:0006380 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal spermatid morphology any structural anomaly of the male germ cells that without further cell division give rise to mature spermatozoa phenio-test.json MP:0008545 biolink:OntologyClass absent sperm flagellum absence of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon that provides sperm motility phenio-test.json absent sperm flagella|absent sperm tail MP:0008839 biolink:OntologyClass absent acrosome mature spermatozoa lack the cap-like structure at the anterior end of the sperm head that produces enzymes needed for egg penetration phenio-test.json absent acrosomal granule|absent acrosomal vesicle MP:0008892 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm flagellum morphology any structural anomaly of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon composed of a number of cytoskeletal elements whose proper assembly is critical for sperm motility; the mammalian flagellum is structurally divided into four major parts: the connecting piece, the midpiece, the principal piece, and the end piece phenio-test.json abnormal sperm flagella|abnormal sperm tail MP:0008893 biolink:OntologyClass detached sperm flagellum fragmentation of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon that provides sperm motility from the sperm head phenio-test.json detached sperm flagella|detached sperm tail MP:0008898 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal acrosome morphology any structural anomaly of the cap-like structure at the anterior end of the sperm head that produces enzymes needed for egg penetration phenio-test.json abnormal acrosomal granule morphology|abnormal acrosomal vesicle morphology|acrosome dysplasia MP:0009230 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm head morphology any structural anomaly of the head segment of the sperm cell which contains the nucleus with densely coiled chromatin fibers, and is surrounded anteriorly by the acrosome which contains enzymes used for penetrating the female egg phenio-test.json sperm head defects MP:0009231 biolink:OntologyClass detached acrosome detachment or loss of adhesion of the acrosome cap from the sperm head nucleus phenio-test.json detached acrosomal granule|detached acrosomal vesicle MP:0009232 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm nucleus morphology any structural anomaly of the sperm head nucleus, including an abnormal nuclear shape or defects in the compaction of nuclear chromatin phenio-test.json MP:0009233 biolink:OntologyClass enlarged sperm head increased size of the head segment of the sperm cell phenio-test.json enlarged sperm heads|increased sperm head size|large sperm head|large sperm heads|large-headed sperm|macrocephalic sperm|macrocephalous sperm|megacephalic sperm|sperm macrocephaly|sperm megacephaly MP:0009234 biolink:OntologyClass absent sperm head absence of the head segment of the sperm cell phenio-test.json absent sperm heads|acephalic sperm|decapitated spermatozoa|headless sperm|sperm acephaly MP:0009235 biolink:OntologyClass small sperm head reduced size of the head segment of the sperm cell phenio-test.json decreased sperm head size|microcephalic sperm|microcephalous sperm|reduced sperm head size|small sperm heads|small-headed sperm|sperm microcephaly MP:0009236 biolink:OntologyClass pinhead sperm a sperm head that is unusually oblong in shape and much smaller than normal; typically, pinhead sperm result when the centrioles from which the sperm tails develop are not correctly aligned opposite the developing acrosome so that sperm heads are lost and absorbed during epididymal transit phenio-test.json pin-head sperm MP:0009237 biolink:OntologyClass kinked sperm flagellum a sharp bend or zigzag in the sperm tail phenio-test.json sharp sperm flagellar bending|sharply bent sperm tail|sperm flagellar angularity|sperm flagellar angulation MP:0009238 biolink:OntologyClass coiled sperm flagellum abnormal twisting of the sperm flagellum into coils or spirals phenio-test.json coiled sperm tail|curly sperm tail MP:0009239 biolink:OntologyClass short sperm flagellum decreased length of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon that provides sperm motility phenio-test.json decreased sperm flagellum length|short sperm tail|truncated sperm flagellum MP:0009240 biolink:OntologyClass elongated sperm flagellum increased length of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon that provides sperm motility phenio-test.json increased sperm flagellum length|long sperm flagellum|long sperm tail MP:0009241 biolink:OntologyClass thick sperm flagellum increased distance across the short axis of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon that provides sperm motility phenio-test.json thick sperm tail MP:0009242 biolink:OntologyClass thin sperm flagellum reduced distance across the short axis of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon that provides sperm motility phenio-test.json thin sperm tail MP:0009243 biolink:OntologyClass hairpin sperm flagellum a structural alteration where the sperm flagellum becomes bent back (folded) on itself to form a hairpin (loop) structure; a sharp hairpin-like bend formation can disrupt the axial structures and cause the sperm tail to become kinked phenio-test.json abnormal hairpin-fold of the sperm flagellum|flagellar hairpin bends|hairpin bent sperm tail|hairpin-configuration spermatozoa|hairpin-curved sperm|hairpin-like sperm flagellum|hairpin-shaped sperm MP:0009376 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal manchette morphology any structural anomaly of the conic array of microtubules that invests the posterior nucleus of a spermatid, and is believed to play a role in definitive posterior head-shaping events during spermiogenesis phenio-test.json MP:0009377 biolink:OntologyClass ectopic manchette abnormal position of the conic array of microtubules that normally invests the posterior nucleus of a spermatid phenio-test.json heterotopic manchette|mislocalised manchette|mislocalized manchette MP:0009830 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm connecting piece morphology any structural anomaly in the segment of the sperm flagellum that attaches to the implantation fossa of the nucleus in the sperm head; from the remnant of the centriole at this point, the axoneme extends throughout the length of the flagellum phenio-test.json abnormal sperm coupling apparatus morphology MP:0009831 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm midpiece morphology any structural anomaly of the highly organized segment of the sperm flagellum which begins at the connecting piece and is characterized by the presence of 9 outer dense fibers (ODFs) that lie outside each of the 9 outer axonemal microtubule doublets and by a sheath of mitochondria that encloses the ODFs and the axoneme; the midpiece terminates about one-fourth of the way down the sperm flagellum at the annulus, which marks the beginning of the principal piece phenio-test.json MP:0009832 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm mitochondrial sheath morphology any structural anomaly or impairment of the tightly packed helical sheath of ATP-producing mitochondria restricted to the midpiece of the sperm flagellum phenio-test.json MP:0009833 biolink:OntologyClass absent sperm mitochondrial sheath absence of the tightly packed helical sheath of ATP-producing mitochondria, normally found in the midpiece of the sperm flagellum phenio-test.json absent sperm mitochondria MP:0009834 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm annulus morphology any structural anomaly of the ring-like, filamentous structure located at the distal end of the midpiece of the sperm flagellum; the annulus is thought to form a diffusion barrier between the midpiece and the principal piece and serve as a stabilizing structure for tail rigidity phenio-test.json MP:0009835 biolink:OntologyClass absent sperm annulus absence of the ring-like, filamentous structure located at the midpiece-principal piece junction of the sperm flagellum, usually associated with a bent tail morphology phenio-test.json MP:0009836 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm principal piece morphology any structural anomaly in the segment of the sperm flagellum where the mitochondrial sheath ends and the outer dense fibers (ODFs) associated with outer axonemal doublets 3 and 8 are replaced by the 2 longitudinal columns of the fibrous sheath (FS) which run the length of the principal piece and are stabilized by circumferential ribs; the principal piece makes up ~2/3 of the length of the sperm flagellum and is defined by the presence of the FS and of only 7 (rather than 9) ODFs which taper and then terminate near the distal end of the principal piece phenio-test.json MP:0009837 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm end piece morphology any structural anomaly of the short tip of the sperm flagellum, adjacent to the sperm principal piece and furthest from the sperm head, which contains only the axoneme surrounded by the plasma membrane phenio-test.json MP:0009838 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm axoneme morphology any structural anomaly of the central core of the sperm flagellum, composed of a ring of 9 outer microtubule doublets surrounding a central pair; inner and outer dynein arms project from each of the outer 9 doublets, and these arms are responsible for generating the motive force of the flagellum; in addition, 9 radial spokes, each of which originates from 1 of the 9 outer microtubular doublet pairs, project inward toward the central pair in a helical fashion phenio-test.json abnormal flagellar axoneme MP:0009839 biolink:OntologyClass multiflagellated sperm presence of more than one sperm flagellum, displaying either one common origin from the sperm head or multiple origins from the same sperm head phenio-test.json multi-flagellate sperm|multi-flagellated sperm|multi-tailed sperm|multiflagellate sperm|multiple sperm flagella|multiple sperm tails|multiple tailed sperm|sperm multiflagellation|sperm with multiflagella|supernumerary sperm flagella MP:0020550 biolink:OntologyClass multinucleated giant male germ cells presence of large cells containing multiple nuclei formed abnormal opening of the cytoplasmic bridges that are part of normal germ cell division phenio-test.json multinucleated giant cells|seminiferous tubule giant cells MP:0030590 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm fibrous sheath morphology any structural anomaly of the unique cytoskeletal component in the principal-piece segment of the sperm flagellum which surrounds the axoneme and outer dense fibers and contains two longitudinal columns that are connected by closely organized semicircular transverse ribs; the fibrous sheath is believed to regulate the degree of flexibility, flagellar motion and shape of the flagellar beat during the lifespan of a sperm cell phenio-test.json abnormal fibrous sheath of sperm principal piece morphology|abnormal sperm flagellar fibrous sheath morphology|abnormal sperm flagellum fibrous sheath morphology|abnormal sperm principal piece fibrous sheath morphology|abnormal sperm tail fibrous sheath morphology MP:0030591 biolink:OntologyClass absent sperm fibrous sheath missing the unique cytoskeletal component of the principal-piece segment of the sperm flagellum which surrounds the axoneme and outer dense fibers and contains two longitudinal columns that are connected by closely organized semicircular transverse ribs phenio-test.json absent fibrous sheath of sperm principal piece|absent sperm flagellar fibrous sheath|absent sperm flagellum fibrous sheath|absent sperm principal piece fibrous sheath|absent sperm tail fibrous sheath MP:0030980 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal acroplaxome morphology any structural anomaly of the F-actin-keratin cytoskeletal plate limited by a desmosome-like marginal ring that anchors the developing acrosome to the nuclear envelope and is thought to play a pivotal role in acrosome biogenesis and spermatid head shaping phenio-test.json MP:0031351 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm flagellum thickness any anomaly in the distance across the short axis of the whiplike posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon that provides sperm motility phenio-test.json MP:0031352 biolink:OntologyClass absent sperm axonemal central pair missing the central pair of microtubules in the sperm axoneme, thereby forming a 9 + 0 pattern instead of the normal 9 + 2 pattern phenio-test.json absent sperm axonemal microtubule central pair|absent sperm axoneme central pair MP:0031354 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal acrosome assembly any anomaly in the formation of the acrosome from the spermatid Golgi phenio-test.json abnormal acrosome biogenesis|abnormal acrosome formation MP:0031355 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal proacrosomal vesicle fusion any anomaly in the fusion of the membrane of a proacrosomal vesicle with the membrane of another proacrosomal vesicle to form a single large acrosomal granule at the nuclear surface phenio-test.json MP:0031356 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal outer dense fiber morphology any structural anomaly of the highly condensed, modified intermediate cytoskeletal filaments strengthened by disulfide linked keratin proteins that progress from the midpiece to the principal piece of the sperm tail; outer dense fibers are believed to maintain flagellar elasticity and play a role in the protection of the sperm tail against shear forces during epididymal transport and ejaculation phenio-test.json abnormal ODF morphology|abnormal outer dense fibre morphology MP:0031373 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal manchette perinuclear ring morphology any structural morphology of the ring-like portion of the manchette that surrounds the base of the elongating spermatid nucleus below the acroplaxome marginal ring and plays a key role in shaping the nucleus and the sperm head; microtubules extend from the perinuclear ring into the cytoplasm and/or basal body of the spermatid phenio-test.json MP:0031374 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal manchette assembly any anomaly in the aggregation, arrangement and/or bonding together of a set of components to form a manchette phenio-test.json abnormal manchette formation MP:0031375 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal manchette disassembly any anomaly in the disaggregation of a manchette into its constituent components phenio-test.json MP:0031386 biolink:OntologyClass elongated manchette increased distance between the perinuclear ring of the manchette and the posterior portion of the spermatid nucleus phenio-test.json increased manchette length|long manchette|manchette elongation MP:0031388 biolink:OntologyClass absent manchette absence of the conic array of microtubules that invests the posterior nucleus of a spermatid and is believed to play a role in definitive posterior head-shaping events during spermiogenesis phenio-test.json MP:0031408 biolink:OntologyClass multi-headed sperm presence of more than one heads per sperm cell phenio-test.json multiheaded sperm|multiple sperm heads|polycephalic sperm|supernumerary sperm heads MP:0031409 biolink:OntologyClass double-headed sperm presence of two heads per sperm cell phenio-test.json bicephalic sperm|dicephalic sperm|double headed sperm|double sperm heads|two sperm heads|two-headed sperm MP:0031410 biolink:OntologyClass biflagellated sperm presence of two flagella per sperm cell phenio-test.json bi-flagellate sperm|bi-flagellated sperm|biflagellate sperm|double sperm tails|double-tailed sperm|duplicate sperm tails|two sperm flagella|two sperm tails|two tailed sperm|two-tailed sperm MP:0031438 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm radial spoke morphology any structural anomaly of the T-shaped protein complex that links an outer microtubule doublet of the sperm flagellum axoneme with the sheath that surrounds the central pair of microtubules; it is composed of a stalk that attaches to each doublet microtubule and a globular structure (spoke head) that projects toward the central pair of microtubules phenio-test.json UPHENO:0084945 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal male germ cell morphology Any unspecified morphological anomaly of the male germ cell, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour. phenio-test.json abnormal morphology of male germ cell UPHENO:0084951 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal spermatocyte morphology Any unspecified morphological anomaly of the spermatocyte, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour. phenio-test.json abnormal morphology of spermatocyte UPHENO:0084952 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal spermatid morphology Any unspecified morphological anomaly of the spermatid, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour. phenio-test.json abnormal morphology of spermatid UPHENO:0085044 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal spermatogonium morphology Any unspecified morphological anomaly of the spermatogonium, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour. phenio-test.json abnormal morphology of spermatogonium UPHENO:0085141 biolink:OntologyClass abnormal sperm morphology Any unspecified morphological anomaly of the sperm, such as, for example, abnormal shape or colour. phenio-test.json abnormal morphology of sperm WBPhenotype:0000388 biolink:OntologyClass sperm morphology variant Any variation in the form, structure or composition of the mature male gamete, which merges with an oocyte to create a fertilized embryo copared to control (Wormatlas). phenio-test.json sperm morphology abnormal WBPhenotype:0000509 biolink:OntologyClass sperm pseudopod variant Variation in the morphological appearance or composition of the pseudopod, a cellular projection that facilitates motility of the spermatozoa. phenio-test.json sperm pseudopod abnormal dc:creator biolink:OntologyClass creator phenio-test.json dcterms:contributor biolink:OntologyClass contributor phenio-test.json OIO:creation_date biolink:OntologyClass creation date phenio-test.json OIO:hasAlternativeId biolink:OntologyClass has_alternative_id phenio-test.json OIO:hasDbXref biolink:OntologyClass database_cross_reference phenio-test.json OIO:hasExactSynonym biolink:OntologyClass has_exact_synonym An alternative label for a class or property which has the exact same meaning than the preferred name/primary label. phenio-test.json OIO:hasNarrowSynonym biolink:OntologyClass has_narrow_synonym An alternative label for a class or property which has a more specific meaning than the preferred name/primary label. phenio-test.json OIO:hasOBONamespace biolink:OntologyClass has_obo_namespace phenio-test.json OIO:hasRelatedSynonym biolink:OntologyClass has_related_synonym An alternative label for a class or property that has been used synonymously with the primary term name, but the usage is not strictly correct. phenio-test.json OIO:id biolink:OntologyClass id phenio-test.json OIO:shorthand biolink:OntologyClass shorthand phenio-test.json rdfs:isDefinedBy biolink:OntologyClass phenio-test.json rdfs:seeAlso biolink:OntologyClass seeAlso phenio-test.json